Precision mechanical design is a complex process that requires considerable experience and knowledge; our mechanical designers use a variety of tools, including computer aided design (CAD) and computer aided engineering (CAE), to ensure that parts are optimally designed

The choice of materials is crucial when designing mechanically with precision, since the qualities and characteristics of materials are the key to the success of a mechanical project, it is important to choose the right materials for the job. The correct choice can help minimize failures and breakdowns, reduce excessive wear, strengthen the quality of the finish and optimize the mechanical properties and performance of the product. In addition, the choice of materials can affect other aspects of a project, such as wear resistance, reliability, corrosion resistance and impedance.
Material selection is a critical process for skilled mechanics in precision mechanical design because by choosing the right materials you can make sure that parts regularly meet the requirements you require.

Areas of interest

Our company stands out for its excellence in the production of components needed in the Medical , pharmaceutical, , packaging, scientific research and aerospace, contributing significantly by providing components of the highest precision and made with cutting-edge techniques and materials

why choose us

Our added value, which has allowed us to stand out over the years, lies precisely in the recognized ability to support and develop the ideas and needs of the customer in the design and work setup.
To perform this function we use parametric design programs that allow us to implement and test our ideas already virtually, with consequential benefits in terms of time and money as well as high final precision.

It is therefore essential to start from an adequate design study, in this regard our professionals are able to address and solve problems of high complexity using the most modern technologies.