The field of precision mechanics is large and constantly evolving, linked to innovation and all those hi-tech processes able to raise the level of detail definition. In this area, which is fluid by its very nature, the laser engraving technology has taken a leading role - due to the many advantages it offers - despite its relatively recent appearance in the industrial landscape. The reason is clear: laser engravers offer the possibility of high-precision machining. These tools ensure speed and great cleanliness: no extra finishing steps are needed.

Laser technology ensures precision and cleanliness

The laser is a light beam within which the waves of light are smoothed in the same direction and wavelength. This working methodology allows the cutting of infinitesimal surfaces. The laser beam is directed towards the material to be shaped, through the computer control, and then it is focused on a specific point and cut: the material is melted very quickly when it comes into contact with the laser. The activity that allows to complete the specific processing, takes place by moving the laser beam and the sheet along a specific "cutting path" which is established a priori. There are many benefits to be gained from laser engraving. We mentioned the cleanliness of the cut, an intervention does not require further finishing: the precision is in fact very high, given also the reduced thermal impact on surfaces. You can create objects with extremely complex profiles, which do not need extra processing (the cutting edges are polished and precise to the millimeter). The laser can be applied on different types of metal materials but above all the beam of light allows to concentrate on limited surfaces (is a perfect working method for sheet metal processing, both in the cutting and welding phases). A technology capable of offering speed and high efficiency, regardless of the hardness of the material. It can also be applied to coated products as well as semi-finished products.

Laser engraving machines

Choosing to use the laser cutting method involves the use of certain machines, which are usually composed of the cutting head (or oscillator), as well as a system of axes supporting the head, a shielded structure to protect operators and prevent accidents (that is, it prevents the beam from escaping control) and finally by numerical control, which coordinates the processing. The support structure of the workpiece - as well as the necessary clamping - changes depending on the type of processing to be carried out and the material (tubes, flat sheets, three-dimensional objects). The machines that perform laser cutting can be used individually, they can also be inserted into certain structured lines and composed of loading/unloading systems, or in lines that provide for different processing such as punching, bending or panelling.

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