AI6082 anodizzato rosso settore automotive
Prodotti e componenti meccaniche
Prodotti e componenti meccaniche

Mechanical products and components

The range of products designed and manufactured by 3D Meccanica can vary from simple objects and details to complex machinery to meet the needs for which they were created. Thanks to our CNC machines we are able to process the most different types of materials, including steel, aluminum, copper, brass, titanium, plastics and many more, All this always ensuring the highest quality thanks to the use of products and solutions from primary suppliers. Among the products we manufacture include, for example, components for industrial machines, stainless steel metal structures (frequently also made for the pharmaceutical and electronic sectors), parts for automatisms aimed at production lines. All our productions are however characterized by very high precision, thanks to the consolidated experience of all the staff that make up the 3D Meccanica staff.

Areas of interest

Our Company stands out for its excellence in the production of necessary components in the fields of medical, pharmaceutical, packaging, Defense, scientific research and aerospace, contributing significantly by providing components of the highest precision and made with cutting-edge techniques and materials

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