In the field of electromechanical assemblies, 3D mechanical assembly, thanks to a staff with ten years' experience in the sector, offers a mechanical assembly service aimed at delivering the finished product to the customer, Thus creating the conditions for a true partnership.

The entire electromechanical assembly process is carried out following scrupulously internal procedures or provided by the customer in order to comply with precise quality and reliability criteria.

The very nature of a normal electromechanical assembly service involves close cooperation between the manufacturer of the individual products commissioned (in our case 3D Meccanica) and external components supplied by the customer.

The sectors that may be affected by our electromechanical assembly service can be different, such as the electromedicine sector and the mechanical sector.

Areas of interest

Our company stands out for its excellence in the production of components required in the fields of medical, pharmaceutical, packaging, Defence, scientific research and aerospace, contributing significantly by providing components of the highest precision and made with cutting-edge techniques and materials


Our added value, which has allowed us to distinguish ourselves over the years, lies in our recognized ability to support and develop the best ideas and requirements of the customer during the design phase and work setup.
To perform this function at best we use parametric design programs that allow us to implement and test our ideas already virtually, with consequent benefits in terms of time and money as well as a high final precision.

It is therefore essential to start from a proper project study, in this regard our professional figures are able to face and solve problems of high complexity using the most modern technologies.


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