There are many areas of application for precision mechanics. Among these, a sector that normally uses it is the medical and pharmaceutical industry, because if attention to detail is crucial in any industry or field, here the importance of precision machining is really high, Practically indispensable element, because the quality of the components used is able to reduce or eliminate the possibility of error.
This is made possible by state-of-the-art machinery, handled and coordinated by highly specialized personnel capable of managing complex phases thanks to a deep knowledge of techniques and materials.

The specific uses of precision mechanics in the medical and pharmaceutical fields

The use of CNC machines allows to complete the processing of plastic and metal materials for the production of components useful for the operation of machinery and applications in the medical field, as well as the creation of hospital accessories. For example, cutting of components and assembly of minute parts to support analysis tools can be achieved. Many uses of precision components also in specific medical fields, such as implantology and orthopaedics.
The pharmaceutical industry also uses precision mechanics, in every phase of the product’s life, from research to production and packaging. In such a delicate area, in addition to the millimeter precision must be taken into account the material used, because it will come into contact with the medicine. It is therefore essential that it cannot alter the drug or undergo oxidation. Plastics, stainless steel, aluminium and newly developed alloys have proved to be excellent materials.

The future of precision engineering for pharmaceuticals

It is estimated that there are great prospects for the future development of precision mechanics related to the medical and pharmaceutical sector, thanks also to the use of laser technologies. The concept of wear resistance, however, remains crucial for the manufacture of precision components used in these sectors. All processes that increase the strength of the materials used are therefore very important. Treatments such as carbonitrification, for example, which affects steel in particular and makes it more resistant not only to wear but also to high temperatures, will become indispensable steps to perfect high precision components intended for the assembly of tools and accessories for this specific sector.

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