By using advanced technologies such as LASER ENGRAVING we are able to implement all the processes of product identification as bar codes, alphanumeric codes, serial numbers, texturing, micro markings or company logos. Laser engraving guarantees precision and speed, without the need to use toxic or environmentally harmful substances, as in the case of acid engraving. In addition, laser engraving produces indelible marks resistant to external factors such as wear, abrasion and corrosion.
With this technology, you can personalize products, identify them and track them in case of any problems or need to recall.
In summary, laser engraving is an ideal solution for labelling, marking and traceability of products, guaranteeing maximum reliability, Safety and efficiency in the production processes and management of the products themselves.
In addition, thanks to its flexibility, it is used in different applications, from engraving bar codes, serial numbers and logos on electronic components, The marking of metal and plastic products, up to the personalization of gadgets and design objects.
Laser engraving is also an environmentally friendly technology, as it does not produce toxic waste or require the use of harmful chemicals. It is therefore a sustainable choice for companies that want to reduce the environmental impact of their activities.
Thanks to its many qualities, laser engraving is an ideal solution for companies that want to guarantee the traceability and safety of their products, without compromising efficiency and the environment.

Incisioni Laser
Incisioni Laser
Incisioni Laser

Areas of interest

Our company stands out for its excellence in the production of components required in the medical sectors, pharmaceutical, packaging, Defence, scientific research and aerospace, contributing significantly by providing components of the highest precision and made with cutting-edge techniques and materials

Let’s discover the advantages of laser engraving together


Our added value, which has allowed us to distinguish ourselves over the years, The ability to support and develop the best ideas and needs of the client in the design phase and work setup.
To do this we use parametric design programs that allow us to implement and test our ideas virtually, The result is a significant gain in time and money as well as high precision.

It is therefore essential to start from a proper project study, In this respect, our professionals are able to tackle and solve problems of high complexity using the most modern technologies.


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